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Dimaxel simulation example: hypersonic overlapping mesh2024-06-03

1. Description of the example

In the previous official account article, the Dimaxer2023R2 hypersonic vehicle simulation case was introduced, and the link is as follows:

Dimaxer simulation example: hypersonic diellipsoid flow thermally strongly coupled large eddy simulation

Dimaxer simulation example: high-ultra cylindrical conjugate heat transfer CHT

The above two hypersonic studies use a conformal mesh. In this paper, we still use these two classical examples to demonstrate the use of Dimaxer2023R2 to calculate the hypersonic problem using the unique Overset grid.

2. Cylindrical leading edge example

2.1 Computing grids

The compute mesh consists of a near-wall mesh and a background mesh.


The number and quality of meshes are shown below:


Since most of them are Cartesian meshes, both Jacobian and mesh aspect ratios are of very high quality.

2.2 Calculation Results

The pressure and temperature distributions on the sampling line passing through the stationary point in the flow field are shown below:

It can be seen that the calculation results of the single overlapping mesh are in good agreement with the reference value.

The distribution of the surface pressure calculated by the overlapping grids is also in good agreement with the reference value, as follows:

3. Example of a double ellipsoid

3.1 Computing the grid

The cylindrical leading edge study consists of a near-wall mesh and a background mesh, while for the diellipsoid study, the model is more complex. For complex models, the complex model can be split into several simple models, and then the near-wall mesh can be generated from multiple simple models, and Dimaxer2023R2 can support the generation of the final overlapping mesh from multiple near-wall meshes.

The overlapping mesh of the diellipsoid is shown in the following image:

图片3 - 副本.png

The number and quality of the mesh are shown in the following figure:


3.2 Calculation Results

The distribution of the surface pressure coefficient of the diellipsoid on the symmetry plane is as follows:

By comparing the calculated value of the pressure coefficient with the experimental value, it can be seen that the multiple near-wall overlapping mesh scheme of Dimaxer2023R2 also has high calculation accuracy.

4. Summary

In this example, the Dimxer2023R2 overlapping mesh function is used to deal with a typical hypersonic problem, and a single overlapping mesh and multiple overlapping meshes are used for the cylindrical leading edge model and the diellipsoid model, respectively.

The calculation results demonstrate the applicability of the Dimxer2023R2 overlapping mesh function to the hypersonic problem.


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